- The Antonia Fire Protection District is dedicated to providing the best possible services in fire prevention and code enforcement. The District issues permits for new commercial construction, change of occupancy in existing commercial and residential, and special use structures such as fireworks stands and fireworks displays.

Fire House Tours
Here at Antonia Fire Protection District, we are very proud of our firehouses. Everyone here enjoys giving tours of the firehouses where they live and work. We also love showing off our trucks and demonstrating some of the equipment we use. We offer tours to groups of all sizes and ages. Please contact us for more information or to set up a tour.
Smoke Detectors
Your firefighters understand firsthand how smoke detectors save lives. We work with the American Red Cross to provide smoke detector checks, battery replacements, and new detector installs at no charge to our residents. If you need help with your smoke detector and live in our District, send a message to officemanager@antoniafire.com

CPR & First Aid
The Antonia Fire Protection District provides CPR & First Aid training to groups of all sizes and ages. We can train family members or employees at your business. Please call for more information.